Title: Welcome to New Rochelle Summary: Mulder meets the Dick Van Dyke Show Spoiler: Arcadia Category: C (my first crossover ;), H, MT, UST Rating: PG-13 (that Alan Brady developed a 'potty mouth') Disclaimer: Ho-boy. Now I remember why I've never done a crossover :) 10-13 Productions gets to claim Mulder, Scully, Skinner, Frohike, Langly and Cancerman. I do believe it was Danny Thomas who gets to claim Rob, Laura, Mel, Buddy, Sally, and Alan, but it could have been Desilu. It's been too long so I won't infringe on anybody and everybody, how's that? Archive: Come and get it. And if there's a Dick Van Dyke archive for fan fic, they can have it, too. Author's notes: If you've never seen the Dick Van Dyke show, you should still be all right with this. I didn't go into much detail. I was trying for 'nuances' as opposed to mixing timelines. This is NOT Pleasantville But if you have seen the show, let me know if I came close. It's been about 30 years since I've seen an episode Dedication: This was written for Ten, after I read Fallout at Arcadia. She inspired it, so I gave it to her. She 'asked' (well, 'demanded' seems a bit forceful ;) that I post it, so here it is. Welcome To New Rochelle by Vickie Moseley vickiemoseley1978@yahoo.com Falls at Arcadia late afternoon "Did you check the bathrooms?" Scully's voice filtered up the staircase from the first floor to the second. Mulder groaned, his arms already loaded down with her briefcase, her carry on luggage and _her_ suit bag. But he answered her anyway. "Yes, 'sweetheart', I checked _both_ bathrooms," he hollered down from the upstairs hallway. He was careful to avoid getting caught up on the yellow crime scene tape that still blocked off their, or rather, Scully's bedroom. He could almost feel the glare she shot up at him. "Lose the 'sweetheart' crap, Mulder, or you're a dead man the minute you fall asleep on the plane," she growled. "Sheez, the thrill might be gone, but the constant fear is still present," he mumbled to himself. "What was that?" "Nothing, de . . . um, nothing, Scully," he quickly amended loudly. It had been fun, the last three days. Sure, it was a stupid case, one he was sure wasn't an X File. But it had turned out to be an X File, and that was what counted. Skinner got the request and there were only two people in the Bureau who had the authority and the expertise to look into the strange disappearances at the Falls in Arcadia. He and Scully were on the plane within twelve hours of getting the 302, and that included buying a whole new wardrobe. Maybe he had gone a little far, but Scully was just so darned easy to get flustered. He knew every time he put his arm around her, she was ready to sock him a good one in the jaw but she didn't. She didn't want to blow their cover. She'd been nervous about it all the way out to California. Not to mention the fact that 'Rob and Laura' were basically the antithesis of their very existence. This wasn't just undercover work. This was acting worthy of an Emmy or at least, a Golden Globe and Scully hadn't really felt up to the challenge. He'd have to remember to tell her he thought she'd done a great job. Maybe then she would forgive him. As he was walking down the hall, his thoughts were of getting home, back to the office. He couldn't believe how 'neat' Spender and Fowley had kept the place. He hoped to create a little 'disorder' over the weekend, while Scully was off . . . doing Scully things. Just go through some files, put up some 'color' on the bulletin board. Nothing destructive. Just make the place a little more 'homey'. He never saw the shoe lying on the top step that had slipped out of his duffle bag on the last trip down to the minivan. Several hours later His head was splitting. More than a normal bump, more like the way he felt when he woke up at Arlington General just before running off to stop Scully from being an alien's host body. Did I get shot again, he wondered? It definitely felt like he'd been shot again. Right in the back of the head. "But I don't understand, Doctor. Why hasn't he woken up yet?" It sounded like Scully, but then again, not quite. Her voice was funny. It sounded . . . well, if he had to name it he would have to say she was _whining_. Mulder tried to pried his eyes open, but they didn't seem to want to cooperate. "We just have to give him time, Laura. It was a nasty fall he took. You just keep talking to him. That's about the best way to get him to come out of the coma." Coma? He didn't recognize the man's voice at all, but the words sure made an impact. Coma? He'd been in a coma? For how long? And who the hell was Laura? He heard a door squeak on the hinges and then click shut. But there was still a hand on his arm, stroking it gently. Scully. He'd know that touch anywhere. She hadn't left. He only hoped that Laura person had gone out with the other guy. He didn't detect any perfume other than Scully's and so he relaxed. He could concentrate on opening his eyes. First the left one opened, and he swore he heard a 'pop' as the lids separated. Then the right, finally. With a little effort, he could focus. And there was Scully, right where she always was, next to his bed. But what had she done to her hair? It was still the same beautiful red, but it was done differently, again. He'd just gotten used the style she'd been wearing since fall, and now she'd gone and changed it again. But he wasn't sure he liked it. It was fluffier. Poofier. And what was with the head band? Other than that, it was Scully. What distressed him most were the tear tracks marring her gorgeous face. She was staring down at their entwined fingers and her chin started to tremble. "S-s-sc-ully," he managed to croak out of his sore and dry throat. Instantly her head shot up and she looked at him, wide-eyed. She broke into a earth-shattering smile and he did everything he could to give her a ghost of that smile in return. "Oh, sweetheart," she crooned. "Oh, darling, you're awake. You had me so frightened, sweetheart. I thought you'd never come back to me." Sweetheart? Darling? Oh my God, he thought, I must have been dead, or at least damned close to it. He'd never heard Scully call him anything but Mulder or partner in their seven years together. "Scully," he sighed, a little more clearly this time. He turned his palm up and weakly squeezed her fingers. Instead of reassuring her, his actions had the opposite effect. She furrowed her brow and shook her head. "Rob, honey, why do you keep saying that name? Who is this 'Scully'? I asked Buddy and Sally. They never heard of him. They thought maybe it was some name you were using for a sketch, but sweetheart, it's starting to scare me." He blinked. Nothing changed, so he blinked again. What the hell was she talking about? He had no chance to ask her to explain when there was a knock at the door and she turned to call "Come in." Assistant Director Skinner stuck his head in the door. "Laura, is he awake?" "Oh, Mel, yes, he is. Come on in. Sweetheart, look who's here to see you. It's Mel Cooley!" she beamed at Mulder, then smiled back at Skinner. Mulder stared at them both. First of all, he didn't even realize that Scully knew the old VCS nickname for Walter Skinner when he was an ASAC. And he sure didn't think she would use it to the man's face. But what was really scaring the crap out of him was the fact that Skinner seemed to be taking it all in stride. He was positively giddy with happiness, standing at the end of the bed. Skinner brought his hand from behind his back and produced a rather skimpy bouquet of flowers, most of whom were past their prime. From the looks of them, Mulder wondered if he might have pilfered them from a much older arrangement. Skinner handed the flowers to Scully. "Here, these are to brighten the place up a little," he said. As Scully beamed and took the flowers, shooting a roll of the eyes over to Mulder, Skinner shifted from foot to foot. "They tell me you'll be off work for a while, Rob. Well, take all the time you need. Alan said we'll run a couple of summer reruns while you're out. Of course, if you happen to come up with any good ideas while you're lying here doing nothing . . ." Scully's glare shut off that sentence immediately. "I mean, as long as it doesn't compromise your health, of course," Skinner quickly amended and looked more than a little chastised. "I'm sure Sally and Buddy can fill in for Rob, Mel," Scully intoned with a narrowed gaze that Mulder had learned to run from. He almost felt sorry for Skinner. "Umm, ah, well, sure Laura, but it's not the same without our head writer," Skinner stammered. Mulder's head was starting to pound and he was beginning to see double. "um, Scully, I, uh, could you get the doctor, please. My head . . ." He was pretty sure he was going to be sick. "Rob! Oh, Rob! Mel, go get the doctor, quick!" Scully cried out and jumped up to get a tiny bowl to hold under Mulder's mouth. Before he could tell her to get a bigger bowl, his stomach rebelled and he started to heave. Fortunately, only a small amount of bile came up, but it burned all the way. When he was aware of his surroundings again, the doctor, he assumed, was at his side. "Mrs. Petrie, I really think we need to limit visitors for a while. Your husband has suffered a very severe blow to the head. He needs to rest. I will allow you to stay, but please, we need to keep everyone else _out_. At least for now." Mulder didn't feel like objecting to the doctor's order. He was terrified enough of how his partner and his boss were acting. He did the only thing he could under the circumstances. He fell asleep. He woke up again to whispering. "We aren't supposed to be in here, Buddy," a low voice said in a stage whisper. "Who're we hurting, Sal? He's out like a light. Gee, what did Laura hit him with? A frying pan?" Mulder heard a soft 'thump' and a muttered "ouch". "Laura did _not_ hit him with anything, he tripped over the ottoman," returned an angry falsetto voice. "And don't you dare joke about this, Buddy! Laura is really scared. He's been out a long time and when he wakes up, he keeps calling for some guy named Scully." "All this from falling over the ottoman?" It was Frohike's voice. He knew it better than he knew his own. Frohike. And going back over the tone of the other voice it had to be Langly with him. But where was Byers? And why was Langly's voice so high pitched and nasal? Not to mention squeaky? He opened his eyes to slits and regarded the two interlopers into his private room. He'd only once seen Frohike in a suit and tie. But when his eyes caught sight of Langly, in full drag, with his blond hair in a classic 60's woman's hairstyle, Mulder promptly passed out. When he came around, the room was dark, but he could still make out a silhouette in the corner. The person stood and walked over to his bed, coming into the dim sliver of light from the partially opened door. Cancerman. "It's OK, Rob. It's just me, Alan. Alan Brady. Rob, I can't tell you how relieved I was when Melon head told me you were going to live," CGB Spender said with almost genuine concern. "Do you have any idea what the other networks are paying their head writers? I'd never be able to get one of them to work as cheap as you!" "What are you doing in my room?" Mulder demanded. His nemesis had the gall to look confused. "It's only a little after visiting hours. I was at the fights. Couldn't walk away on a C note, now, could I? I mean, after all, Rob, you didn't die. You just ended up in the hospital." "Where's Scully?" Mulder had a feeling he wasn't going to get a good answer, but he couldn't stop himself from asking the question anyway. The man pulled a packet of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket and stuck one, unlit, into his mouth. "You keep asking that, Rob. Damned if I know. But if this Scully is a 'she' and not a 'he', you'd be wiser not to ask it around 'the little woman', if you know what I mean." "My name is not Rob," Mulder muttered angrily. "Then what is it?" the smoking bastard asked, curiosity crossing his features. "Mulder. Fox Mulder. And that woman who claims to be my wife is my partner, Dana Scully. And the guy you call Mel is my boss, Walter Skinner. We work for the FBI. My partner and I were on an undercover assignment in a planned residential community. We played husband and wife to catch a killer. Turned out to be a monster made of garbage. The case was over and I have no idea how I ended up here." He sighed and leaned back into the pillow, exhausted. The other man regarded him seriously. "That's a damn fine set up, Rob, but you gotta work on that punch line. It's just not that funny." Mulder stared at him, mouth opened and shook his head. "You're absolutely right, Alan. It's not." "Well, I better shove off. They tell me you'll be here a couple of days since you keep passing out all the time. I looked it up, you've got 5 sick days coming to you. After that, I'll have to dock you." He looked at Mulder with all seriousness, then broke into a boisterous laugh. "Hey, Rob, I was just kidding. I won't dock you for a week, at least!" He reached down and patted Mulder's leg. "Take care, Rob. And next time, look out for the damned ottoman." "I'm in hell," Mulder declared to himself in a normal tone of voice. "I died, and now I'm in hell." His head was really beginning to pound and it was everything he could do to keep his eyes open. "I'm in hell," he kept repeating, as the pain grew and grew behind his eyes and just when he thought his head would explode, darkness pulled him under. " . . .m in 'ell, . . .m 'n hell . . ." "What's he saying?" Mulder recognized the voice and it frightened him. He didn't want to open his eyes and see his Assistant Director, he boss of over five years, acting like a neurotic producer of a early 60's comedy-variety show. Or his partner a dizzy, weepy, whining housewife. Or his friends, well, one friend in particular, cross dressing. And he definitely didn't want that black lunged son of a bitch signing his paycheck! "I'm not sure, sir. He's been muttering it over and over for some time. It's probably nothing. Mulder tends to have very vivid dreams when he's received a blow to the head. Remember how he was in Bermuda?" "Oh, God, not the Wizard of Oz, again," the first voice said with disgust. "Well, I'm going to get a cup of coffee. I'll leave him in your capable hands, Agent Scully." Mulder almost cried with relief. He was back, back in his world. He decided it was worth the effort to open his eyes. There was Scully, right where he knew she would be. And her hair was back to normal. She smiled at him as he blinked the sleep crud out of his eyes. "Been playing 'possum' again, Mulder?" she asked, with a cock of her head and a wry grin. "My head . . ." he moaned, playing for the sympathy angle if at all possible. "It hurts, Mulder, I know," she said compassionately as she rubbed the back of his hand. "You fell down the full flight of stairs. You managed to knock out two of the bannister posts with your head. You're lucky you got out of it with just a concussion. You could have broken your neck." "I can go back to sleep now, I just got my 'lucky' speech," Mulder muttered, leaning back in the pillows with a wince. "You've been out for almost 48 hours, Mulder. You shouldn't be that sleepy." "My dreams wore me out," he said, hoping to leave it at that. She grinned broadly. "So Mulder, what was it this time? Oklahoma? Guys and Dolls? West Side Story? Your concussion dreams are better than watching AMC for a weekend," she teased. He glared at her as well as his pounding head would allow. "I'm not telling, Scully. I just get ridiculed and it's not worth it," he pouted. "Aw, Mulder, just a little. Come on. I sat here for the whole time, watching you sleep. I deserve a little entertainment," she prodded. He ignored her request. "Was Skinner here earlier?" She nodded. "He flew out last night. He was worried about you. First case back, and you end up in the hospital. At this rate, Mulder, we'll only get to investigate about three cases a year around your medical leaves." "Har har, Scully. So, were the boys out here, too. Did you call out the troops to laugh?" he groused. "No, but I did call them. You know they have your name bookmarked on all hospital admits across the country. I figured it would save the hospital administration the cost of having to fix the computer records after Langly hacked into them." Some of the pieces of this dream were starting to fall into place. "How about Cancerman? Was he here?" Scully shook her head adamantly. "Of course not, Mulder. I was in this room the entire time, used your bathroom, for that matter. Spender, Sr. never made an appearance. Why? Was he in your dream? Come on, Mulder. Spill. What was your dream this time?" He looked over at her eager expression and almost gave in. But the thought of his last experience with vivid dreams and how she reacted brought him quickly back to his senses. "Let's just say that when we get home, I'm canceling my subscription to TV Land, and leave it at that, Scully." the end :) Vickie "When you start, you make certain choices, and those choices accumulate and create a number of [other] choices. The story starts to tell itself, and that's been very exciting in a way. There's so much that has come and been told that you are, in a way, a slave to the facts you've created, and it's a really fun way to tell stories. That's not to say it's simplified. In fact, it becomes complicated, but it all starts to make sense, and that's been a really wonderful thing." Quote from Chris Carter on development of The X Files